2023 03 16 Blame it on the Leprechauns St Patrick Day Celebration
Thursday, March 16, 2023 (6:00 PM - 9:00 PM) (EDT)
THURSDAY MARCH 16TH, 2023 - Join MEIAR during our networking event at the Rose Bowl in New Castle. There will be 3 hours of bowling and plenty of time to socialize with everyone joining the party. The snack bar will be open for you to purchase food and drinks. Remember to register your team of 4. You may invite co-workers, clients, friends, anyone in the industry. Know someone who should be an affiliate and join the networking event???? Let them know it is easy to become an affiliate and be invited - they may visit our website at meiar.net and complete the application. A basic affiliate membership is only $100.00 per year. Our last networking event in New Castle on the Plaza was a success, let's all join together at the bowling alley and have a wonderful evening.
550 S Memorial Dr
New Castle, IN 47362 United States